Suicide is Painless for Coma Cinema

Every musical act's main goal should be that their new record is better than their last record. Coma Cinema's newest release, Blue Suicide shows evolutionary progress and thus they have acheived a success many bands can't. Though it's not a total departure from 2010's Stoned Alone, Blue Suicide is strikingly consistent. No real need to click on the right facing arrow, unless it's to get to a song you like even better a few tracks down.
And yes, with "suicide" in the title the lyrics can be a bit dispiriting and weighted down but that's just Coma Cinema. The majority of the tracks come off with a pop feel musically, which makes it a little easier for those fragile, perky type people to deal with the words. I would go so far as to say that Blue Suicide might make inroads with the MGMT/Wolf Parade crowd. Singer songwriter Mat Cothran of Spartanburg, SC pulled this off, from what I understand, as pretty much a one man adventure even engineering it as well. Generally, you can expect the usual guitar, bass and drum instrumentation but Cothran has a knack of sprinkling a keyboard part here or a synthesizer part there to great effect. I dug the reversed tracks on the song Eva Angelina, myself. Cothran also is adamant that most music should be free, too. So to that end the entire album is currently available at the Coma Cinema site here. After you listen to the MP3's I have a feeling you'll want the vinyl realease available from Fork and Spoon records.


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